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The Rules

Nine people go out to the field in positions like the following:Pitcher, back-catcher, First base, second base, third base, shortstop, left field, center field and left field.  Once the batter hits the ball they are able to run but if the baseman gets the ball before you get there then you are out.  Once you are on base and you are stealing or it is not a forced play (meaning you don't have to run) then the baseman has to tag you but if it is a forced play then the baseman just needs to step on the base and the runner is out.  If the batter hits a pop fly and it is caught then the batter is out.  if there are runners on the bases then if they ran they have to run back to the base where they were before the ball was hit to be safe and if they do no make it in time then they are out.  if the batter hits a foul ball and it is caught by the back-catcher then the batter is out.  If there are runners on the bases they have to go back to their bases.  If the pitcher hits the batter with the ball, the batter gets a free walk to home plate.  If the batter wishes to steal a base, they must wait until the ball crosses home plate before they run.  The length of the game varies from softball to baseball but in the MLB games are usually 9 innings.